
Grant PUD Announces Fiber build-out areas for 2023

EPHRATA – Grant PUD will expand its high-speed, fiber-optic telecommunication service to more than 1,400 customers in 2023 as part of a county-wide buildout project. The areas slated for fiber buildout include: Warden Area Completion (Part of the 2022 delayed by supply issues, weather and permits.) Rural area north, east and south of Quincy (Part o...

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  3187 Hits

Commission recap, 1/24/2023 — Grant PUD continues to weigh options to increase power supply. More...

As Grant County continues to grow, so does the demand for power. A team from Grant PUD, led by Chief Resource Officer Kevin Nordt, has been working on a plan for when power needs exceed the projected output from the utility's dams and other resources. Grant PUD expects that it will need to regularly blend in new power resources as early as 2025 dur...

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  4019 Hits

Commission recap, 2/14/2023 — Grant PUD studying bill that would regulate service cut-offs. More...

Commissioners Nelson Cox and Terry Pyle sworn in for new terms Grant County Superior Court Judge Tyson Hill was on hand in Grant PUD's Ephrata commission room Tuesday to officially swear-in newly re-elected Commissioner Nelson Cox to a second, four-year term on the commission and Commissioner Terry Pyle to his first popularly elected six-year term....

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Commission recap 1/10/2023 -- Commissioners Nelson Cox and Terry Pyle sworn in for new terms

Grant County Superior Court Judge Tyson Hill was on hand in Grant PUD’s Ephrata commission room Tuesday to officially swear-in newly re-elected Commissioner Nelson Cox to a second, four-year term on the commission and Commissioner Terry Pyle to his first popularly elected six-year term.

Cox, a retired potato farmer from Warden, represents District B-At Large. Pyle was appointed by commissioners in October 2021 to fill the remainder of the then-vacant District 2 position. Voters in November gave Pyle another six years. Pyle teaches business and economics courses at Big Bend Community College.

Commissioners chose board officers at their Dec. 15, 2022 meeting. This year, Commissioner Cox will be board president, Commissioner Tom Flint, vice president and Commissioner Terry Pyle, secretary. Commissioners Larry Schaapman and Judy Wilson round out the board.

Hear the swearing-in at 2:52:37 on the commission audio.

Recreation visitors survey back this year after COVID hiatus

Grant PUD is again launching its in-person survey of visitors to the utility’s Columbia River-recreation areas to gauge visitor satisfaction with amenities and overall experience.

“This is very, very useful date for us,” Manager of License Compliance & Lands Services Shannon Lowry told commissioners Tuesday of the survey.

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Commission recap, 4/25/2023 — Preventive maintenance paying off in reduced outage times

New rate will add approximately $3.24 to the monthly household bill

EPHRATA — In a measure to help Grant PUD withstand the impact of inflation, Grant PUD's commissioners on Dec. 13 approved a plan for new electricity rates in 2023. The new rates take effect April 1.

This is the first power rate increase for Grant PUD customers since 2018. The overall increase of 3% will be allocated partly on Grant PUD's cost to serve each rate group. The 3% increase and careful financial planning will help the utility withstand the 8.7% impact of inflation to its 2023 budget, which was approved by commissioners in November.

The new rates mean a typical residential customer using 1,700 kilowatt-hours in a month will pay an additional $3.24 a month. By comparison, a large industrial customer with an average monthly usage of 20 million-kilowatt hours would see an increase of $12,600 a month.

"No one likes rising costs," stated commission President Judy Wilson after the meeting. "This increase is necessary for us to try to keep pace with inflation while at the same time continuing to provide our vital services to our growing county."

Grant PUD's proposed all-in Residential power rate of 5.8 cents per kilowatt hour is much lower than the average Washington residential rate of 10.19 cents per kilowatt-hour and the average United States rate of 14.88 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Each rate will increase by the following percentage:

Customer type                                                              % increase
Residential (1)……………………..........................………………. 3.40
General Service (2)………………………………………………..……. 3.40
Irrigation (3)………………………………………………..……………… 3.40
Street lighting (6)…..……….…………………………....……………. 3.40
Large General (7)……………………………………..…………......... 3.40
Industrial (14)……………………………………………..……….…….. 4.35
Large Industrial (15)………………………………………..………….. 1.75
Agricultural Food Processing (16).………………..……..……….. 4.35
Agricultural Food Processing Boiler (85)………..….……....….. 4.35

Desplázase hacia abajo para leer en español el susodicho acerca del incremento de las tarifas eléctricas

Commissioners also:

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  1497 Hits

Commission summary: Budget approved for 2023; rate increase likely

Grant PUD approves $439.7 million budget for 2023 Grant PUD Commissioners unanimously approved the utility's 2023 operating budget during their meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 22. One of the top budgeting priorities was dealing with a projected 8.7% cost impact to the utility. With the inflation factor, and initiatives to increase efficiency and improve s...

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  4248 Hits

Commission recap, 10/25/2022

Grant PUD's hydro plants produce a million megawatt-hours more in 2022 than 2021 An emphasis on teamwork and putting resources to highest priority work has helped Grant PUD generate over a million more megawatt-hours of power in 2022 than it produced in 2021, Ben Pearson, Senior Manager of Hydro Generation explained during Power Production's third ...

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  3347 Hits

Commission recap, 10/11/2022 — Inflation to add estimated $26.6M to 2023 budget

Highest inflation in a generation adds to capital, other costs "Generational inflation" is having an impact on Grant PUD's financial planning and is reflected in the 2023 budget, which was presented to the commissioners and members of the public during a budget hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 11. John Mertlich, Senior Manager of Financial Planning & A...

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  3762 Hits

Commission summary, 9/27/2022 — 2023 draft budget; evolving industry rate; more...

​Inflation has an impact on Grant PUD's 2023 budget Grant PUD is not immune to the same inflationary pressures affecting the rest of the U.S. economy. During a presentation regarding the proposed 2023 budget, John Mertlich, senior manager of Financial Planning and Analysis, said that inflation is the most significant reason the 2023 budget is highe...

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  4001 Hits

The Archaeology Days event is back!

Oct. 25-26 at the Wanapum Heritage Center Archaeology Days is back to mix learning with fun at the Wanapum Heritage Center after a two-year hiatus during the COVID pandemic. Kids have their own day, Oct. 25, for some hands-on, kid-friendly learning about the customs and crafts of native, Columbia Plateau people, as well as area geology, river ...

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  3468 Hits

Commission summary, 9/13/2022 — Mastodon fossil sends jaws dropping around commission table. This and more...

"Now for some fun. Show-and-Tell time," Brett Lenz, Grant PUD manager of Cultural Resources told commissioners Tuesday, after he finished what is usually a very routine and subdued quarterly business report. He reached under the table where commissioners were gathered, pulled out a black backpack, reached inside and withdrew part of the toothy jawb...

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  3780 Hits

Explore Hanford's atomic field… and its secrets

New exhibit at the Wanapum Heritage Center runs through Jan. 15, 2023 MATTAWA —Journey through the Hanford Reach via photography, sound and video to delve into its atomic histories and secrets that enshroud them. The Wanapum Heritage Center's newest exhibit, "Hanford Reach: In the Atomic Field" will take you on that journey from the convenience of ...

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  3442 Hits

Commission summary, 8/23/2022 — Grant PUD will continue to evaluate X-energy nuclear option

Focus on X-energy will allow additional in-depth analysis about whether to move forward and build Grant PUD will focus on the technology of Maryland-based X-energy in the utility's continuing feasibility analysis of building a small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear energy plant. For the past 18 months, Kevin Nordt, Grant PUD Chief Resource Office...

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  4310 Hits

Commission summary, 8/9/2022 — Grant PUD to evaluate embankment at Wanapum Dam

Contractor to analyze dam embankment for possible erosion Commissioners heard the details of a proposed, 10-year, $15 million contract with engineering firm Gannett Fleming to examine the interior of an embankment at Wanapum Dam for any potential erosion. The last in-depth dam safety inspection by independent consultants in 2021 concluded...

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  4716 Hits

Commission summary, 7/26/2022 — Retail energy sales below budget, April-June. Solid future growth expected

Retail customer electricity sales ended the year's second quarter about 2% less than budget forecast, commissioners heard Tuesday. Year-to-date through April, sales are about one-half percent above budget and are forecast to stay strong, longer term. Colder-than-expected spring weather increased energy consumption from residential customers, and hi...

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  3690 Hits

Call-in code updated for July 26 Integrated Resource Plan hearing

The conference ID has changed for call-in access to the July 26 public hearing on the Grant PUD Integrated Resource Plan. To attend by phone, please call 509-703-5291. When prompted, enter conference code 596 502 173#. The hearing will begin during the 1 p.m. business meeting. Attend the July 26 hearing in person in the Commission Room at Grant PUD...

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  3501 Hits

Commission summary, 7/12/2022, Hydropower lobby urges Grant PUD to educate lawmakers

Members of the Washington Public Utilities Districts Association (WPUDA) urged Grant PUD commissioners to "speak with one voice" to state and federal lawmakers about hydropower's critical, carbon-free role in keeping the lights on in the Pacific Northwest. Without this resource, the lights go out," WPUDA Executive Director George Caan told commissi...

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  3600 Hits

Commission summary, 6/28/2022 — Need for solar, wind, natural gas in Grant PUD's energy forecast

Grant PUD commissioners Tuesday learned how the utility is considering options to meet its long-term power needs during an Integrated Resource Plan presentation. By state law, electric utilities must develop a comprehensive plan with five- and 10-year estimates projecting the mix of power generation and resources to meet the needs of their customer...

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  4201 Hits

Commission summary, 6/14/2022: Quincy-area transmission line routes chosen

Transmission projects will increase electrical capacity in Quincy Grant PUD staff Tuesday presented commissioners with their preferred routes for three new transmission lines that will increase electrical capacity and improve reliability in the ag-and-data hub city of Quincy.The routes are four of the 10 projects comprising the "Quincy Transmi...

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  5584 Hits

Grant PUD contract crew at work to reduce risk of power outages

Grant PUD contractor Alamon is performing preventive maintenance on Grant PUD power poles to reduce risk of power outages. Work began 6/6/2022 in the Soap Lake area and will continue north through year-end until the upper portion of the county is complete. The maintenance includes testing the poles to ensure they're structurally sound and applying ...

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  3753 Hits