
COVID-19 Protective Measure Exit Roadmap Support

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  4087 Hits

Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA)

Haga clic para Español On May 7th, 2019, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the Clean Energy Transformation ACT (CETA), which commits Washington State to achieve an electricity supply that is 100% greenhouse gas emissions free by 2045. Electricity production is the third-largest source of carbon emissions in the state. The bill aims to c...

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  6851 Hits

Grant PUD commissioners seek applicants for vacant board position

Haga clic para Español EPHRATA, Wash. – Grant PUD's board of commissioners is seeking qualified applicants to fill the remainder of the late Dale Walker's term as commissioner through December 2022. The vacant position on the five-member board represents the southeastern portion of Grant County known as District 2, which covers portions o...

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  7153 Hits


​During this pandemic, all of us at Grant PUD are here for you! Our dedicated team of employees continue to generate and deliver power and maintain our high-speed fiber-optic network for our customers and the communities we serve. We also know we are not alone. There are many people working hard and keeping our county moving. We appreciate all that...

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  6217 Hits

Campgrounds, golf course and other amenities reopen at Grant PUD recreation sites

Haga Clic para Español Grant PUD reopened our campgrounds and many other day-use amenities earlier today. Many of the amenities have been modified in accordance with guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Grant County Health District to promote social distancing and protect public health. Specific reopened ameni...

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  10266 Hits

Postponed- Grant PUD to "fill the bucket" with a community food drive

In-person events delayed due to statewide restrictions ​​  ​Due to the recent statewide restrictions, we are delaying the in-person Fill the Bucket food drive. Need in our county is greater than ever so we encourage everyone who is able to donate to contact your nearest food bank directly. Here is a list of who to contact within your community...

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  6710 Hits

Thank You

Thank you to everyone helping to keep us going during this time! We appreciate all that you do! #WeAreGrantCounty Haga click para Español

  6663 Hits

Grant PUD to open boat launches and certain recreation amenities at noon on May 8

Haga click para Español Grant PUD is pleased to announce that our boat launches and most recreation areas will open at noon, May 8. The following restrictions apply for the safety of our visitors and employees: At Crescent Bar: Only the boat launches and boat-launch parking lots will open. The rest of the amenities in this recreation area have...

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  8833 Hits

Final unit at Wanapum Dam nears full rehab

The crews at Wanapum Dam and our contractors marked a huge milestone in Columbia River hydropower this month by completing the rehab and installation of the final of the dam's 10 turbine/generator units. Upgrade work began in April 2004 with replacement of each unit's turbines. Work to rebuild the generators began in June 2010 with the 7th turbine....

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  7383 Hits

Grant PUD joins the region to support Snake River dams

A press conference was held to allow local stakeholders the chance to respond to the federal Environmental Impact Statement released on Friday. Agencies represented at Tuesday's event included Grant PUD, Benton PUD, Franklin PUD, Port of Pasco, Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, Benton Clean Air Agency and Benton Rural Electric Cooperative. "To...

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  6178 Hits

Grant PUD supports 'Math is Cool'

Young mathematicians test their knowledge   More than 350 competitors from 27 schools from Grant County and the rest of North Central Washington competed in this sort-of math Olympics Feb. 28 at Clovis Point Intermediate School in East Wenatchee. Grant PUD staffers, management — and a management spouse — take a leading role in making Math is C...

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  6193 Hits

Irrigation Workshop a hit with irrigators

Approximately 75 irrigation customers attended our first Irrigation Workshop at the Grant County Fairgrounds, Dec. 11, in what promises to become an annual or biennial (every two years) event. Grant PUD subject-matter experts talk about Grant PUD's 2020 budget — which includes no rate increase for the second consecutive year — our expectations for ...

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  6804 Hits

We filled the bucket!

​Grant PUD employees and customers achieved the goal of having enough donated food to fill the extra-large two-man line truck bucket during the annual Fill-the-Bucket Food Drive last week. The drive, which is a joint effort between Grant PUD and the IBEW Local 77, collected food for local Grant County food banks at Grant PUD's local offices and wit...

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  6727 Hits

GEARUP makes field trip to Crescent Bar

I would like to take the time to let you know that we had an awesome experience touring the Crescent Bar Recreation site on Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Our 9th grade Ephrata/Soap Lake High School Summer Program students were able to see the environmental impacts that occur while making land improvements. This opportunity assisted them in completing a p...

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  6805 Hits

Grant PUD commissioners seek public input on proposed new rate schedule

Rate Schedule 17 would impact Evolving Industries which applies to cryptocurrency mining EPHRATA — Grant PUD commissioners are asking for public input as they look to finalize the new customer rate class, Schedule 17 – Evolving Industries. Anyone who would like to provide comment regarding the proposed rates class is invited to the July 10 commissi...

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  6124 Hits

Commission meeting recap for July 24, 2018

Commissioners call for options to ease rate burden on existing crypto firmsWeeks after learning that a rate proposal for "evolving industries" would approximately triple the electric-rate burden on Grant County's cryptocurrency mining operations, some Grant PUD commissioners Tuesday asked staff for more options. (4:06:50 of commission audio) "We've...

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  6105 Hits

Commission meeting recap for July 10, 2018

Commissioners call for options to ease rate burden on existing crypto firmsWeeks after learning that a rate proposal for "evolving industries" would approximately triple the electric-rate burden on Grant County's cryptocurrency mining operations, some Grant PUD commissioners Tuesday asked staff for more options. (4:06:50 of commission audio) "We've...

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  5834 Hits

Commission meeting recap for June 26, 2018

– Proposed new Rate 17 could mean big increase for crypto miners (1:59:20 on Commission Audio) Cryptocurrency mining companies and other businesses that fit Grant PUD's new "Evolving Industry" rate classification would see their monthly power bills more than double under a staff proposal presented to commissioners Tuesday. The Evolving Industry rat...

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  6129 Hits

Local libraries to host Grant PUD as part of their summer reading program

Grant PUD to present "It's not magic, it's water" throughout the summer EPHRATA — Grant PUD will participate in the North Central Regional Library's summer reading program as they share an interactive presentation about how the naturally-occurring water cycle allows Grant PUD to generate electricity for its customers and our region. In addition, at...

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  5776 Hits

Commissioners discuss changes for resolution driving current rate policy

Grant PUD commissioners discussed possible changes to the rate-setting policy outlined in Resolution No. 8768 during their board meeting June 12 (10:00 in the recording). Resolution 8768, which was passed May 12, 2015, outlines which customer class would receive "core" or preferential status when it comes to being first in line for the benefits of ...

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  6258 Hits