
GEARUP makes field trip to Crescent Bar

I would like to take the time to let you know that we had an awesome experience touring the Crescent Bar Recreation site on Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Our 9th grade Ephrata/Soap Lake High School Summer Program students were able to see the environmental impacts that occur while making land improvements. This opportunity assisted them in completing a project pertaining to the AVID "ProPhone and the Environment" curriculum. The students presented their projects to a "Board of Directors" today and they all mentioned facts that they learned on the field trip. It was so cool!

Our facilitator, Deb Firestone, is clearly an expert in the area and was able to present information to the group in an interesting and visual way that allowed the students to understand the importance of regulations in our region and communities. Her compassion for her work was very visible, and based on the students questions, was able to keep them engaged (even in the 90 degree weather). She was very well prepared and was able to present high level information in a very age appropriate way. I really appreciate her taking time away from her daily tasks to expose the students to the recreation site. I'm hoping the students and their families take advantage of the beautiful facilities in their back yards.

We look forward to our continued partnership, as these students will be looking for job shadows, internships and career opportunities in the future.


Kim Ostrowski - GEAR UP Site Manager,  Ephrata High School

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