
For Contractors

Information for all contractors

Welcome to our online contract system. Register and view solicitations, bid results and bid award information via the link below. Registration is required to receive automatic notification of upcoming opportunities and to download the solicitation documents.


Terms and Conditions



Illness Guidance Policy

New Illness Guidance Policy, effective July 18, outlines the precautions employees and contractors should take when sick and what to do if you are diagnosed with an illness.

General Requirements

Basic rules governing safe work on all GCPUD jobsites.

Contractor Safety Handbook

Additional Requirements

Other safety requirements will exist in the contract or purchase order documents.

Work occurring in Power Production facilities is subject to the following safety procedures.


Manual/Anonymous Condition Reporting Form 

• In case of a Maximo/CRS outage, conditions can still be captured using a manual method. (Full instructions for use outlined within the manual/anonymous form)

• This form can also be used when the person identifying a condition does not have access to Grant PUD, specifically contract personnel.

• If the condition identified is deemed by the initiator to contain information which they feel uncomfortable submitting for any reason, the manual/anonymous form can be used for this purpose as well


COVID Precautions

Grant PUD no longer requires employees and contractors to mask or social distance on Grant PUD premises, although this could change if state and local health authorities determine trends in the pandemic again pose a serious health threat.

Condition reporting
Through April 18, 2022 employees and contractors must continue to report any flu-like symptoms to their supervisors/district reps before arriving on site. The supervisor/district rep will provide instructions on what to do next. Some quarantining and antigen testing may be necessary before returning to on-site work.

Access to facilities
Contractors may again access Grant PUD facilities to fill vending machines, clean carpets and perform still-contracted duties being carried out prior to the pandemic.

Protect yourselves
Grant PUD encourages all employees and contractors to get vaccinated and boosted for the best protection against COVID-19

Contact info

30 C Street SW
PO Box 878
Ephrata, WA 98823

Contractor training

Access to Grant PUD property or facilities may be contingent on completing specific training. Please instruct your employees to save their certificate of completion at the end of each course. This certificate serves as proof of training and must be sent to Grant PUD personnel before access may be granted.

computer iconPLEASE NOTE

These LMS trainings are built for Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. Do not use Explorer. Contact your Project Manager or Liaison if you have any issues or require assistance.

Prior to contractors coming on-site to work at Grant PUD there are certain training requirements that need to be taken on the Contractor Training site.

Step 1
: Before you create your account, please make sure you know your reporting location(s)! Trainings are auto assigned by reporting location, so this is a critical step.

Step 2: You will be emailed a confirmation of your account after it has been created. You will set your password after confirming your email.

Step 3: Login and complete your training please read below for training requirements before you create your account.

Step 4: Please create an account at Grant PUD Contractor Training Site

A: Where it says "Login," choose a username you will remember. You'll choose a password later on.

B: IMPORTANT! Please select ALL areas that apply to you. You may need to choose multiple. You will not be able to change this! Ask your contact representative if you are unsure.

Contractor Menu Sample

  • For contractors requiring badges (this is everyone), select Badging (Security & Safety): ALL CONTRACTORS.
  • For contractors who work in, on, or around any hydro location, select Hydro Access: ALL HYDRO CONTRACTORS.
  • For contractors requiring clearances for work in Power Delivery, select Transmission & Distribution Access.
  • For contractors requiring access to a secured perimeter, select Accessing a Physical Security Perimeter (PSP).
  • For contracted employees who work with contractor safety for  assigned work with the PUD (PUD Project Manager will identify), select Contractor Safety Program (CSP).

Badges / Security Access


Certificates: The Security and Safety certificates should be emailed directly to SecurityTrainingCerts@gcpud.org. Please include the company name and contract/PO number in the subject line so the documents are properly classified at the PUD.

Power Production:


All contractors who will perform work in, on, or around hydro location must complete Dam Safety Awareness in the Hydro Access group in the Contractor Training site.

All Power Production (Hydro) contractor employees who will need to hold a clearance or work under a clearance as part of their project, must complete Grant PUD Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) in the Hydro Limited Clearance Holder group in the Contractor Training site.

Certificates: The LOTO completion certificates should be emailed directly to GCPUDTraining@gcpud.org. Please include the company name and contract/PO number in the subject line so the documents are properly classified at Grant PUD.

If you are uncertain which of the following course you or your employees must complete, please contact your Grant PUD project liaison.

Power Delivery:


For Power Delivery (Transmission and Distribution) contractor employees who will need to hold a clearance or work under a clearance as part of their project, the following course must also be successfully completed:

Complete Power Delivery Clearance in the Transmission and Distribution Access group in the Contractor Training site.


Certificates: Please email the certificate to the Grant PUD Project manager and include the company name and contract/PO number in the subject line so the documents are properly classified at the PUD.

If you are uncertain which of the following course you or your employees must complete, please contact your Grant PUD project liaison.

CIP Access for Contractors:


Contractors who need CIP access to BES Cyber System Information (BCSI) and/or Restricted Access Areas of the PUD as part of their project must also successfully complete the following items before access may be granted:

CIP Security Training Program / Personnel Risk Assessment Contact: RCStaff@gcpud.org

Please refer to your contract for instructions. Questions? Please contact your project manager.

CIP training is conducted by the Reliability Compliance (RC) Department through a learning management system (LMS). LMS privileges will be coordinated through the RC Department District Representative.

 Contractor Safety Program (CSP):


The Contractor Safety Program is a structured program with guidance, expectations, and processes which provide employees the resources needed to support management of contractor safety when contractors are executing assigned work for Grant PUD.

For Contracted Employees that manage projects or contractors for the PUD. A PUD Project manager or District Rep will note to the individual(s) when this course needs to be taken. 

Contractors turn completed CSP training Certificate into the PUD Project Manager.

Questions: Contact Craig Bressan, Senior Safety Manager, or anyone from the PUD Safety department.


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington, and the City of Mattawa, Washington, to provide a location for the receipt of District payments from District customers.


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Grant County, Washington and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington, allowing Grant County’s camera equipment to be installed, maintained, and removed...


Interlocal Agreement between State of Washington Department of Fish and Game (WDFW) and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington.


Interlocal Agreement between Grant PUD and Grant County Fire District 8 for fire protection and emergency medical services at Wanapum Indian Village.


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, Washington and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington to utilize....


Interlocal Master Agreement for Cooperative Action between Grant, Chelan and Douglas county PUDs for shared services and joint utilization of agreements.


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, Washington and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington for the limited use of Douglas PUD’s Wells Fish Hatchery by Grant PUD.


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, Washington and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington for the limited use of Douglas PUD’s Methow Fish Hatchery by Grant PUD.


Network service agreement between the Multi Agency Communications Center and Grant PUD.


Coulee City radio site license agreement between the Multi Agency Communications Center and Grant PUD.


Moses Lake radio site license agreement between the Multi Agency Communications Center and Grant PUD.


Quincy radio site license agreement between the Multi Agency Communications Center and Grant PUD.


Wahatis radio site license agreement between the Multi Agency Communications Center and Grant PUD.


Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between Energy Northwest and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington for Lease Agreement and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Installation and Maintenance.


Interlocal Agreement between Grant PUD and Grant County Fire Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 for fire protection and emergency medical services for Grant PUD facilities within Grant County.

CPWU Administrative

Cooperative Agreement between Benton, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Grant, Okanogan and Pend Oreille County PUDs to provide for joint collective bargaining with the IBEW Local 77.

CWPU UIP Trust Agreement

Cooperative Agreement between Benton, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Grant, Okanogan and Pend Oreille County PUDs to provide for uniform administration of group insurance programs and to create a Trust to administer agreed-upon benefits of the Unified Insurance Program (UIP).

King County Directors' Association Purchasing Cooperative Agreement

Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the District and the King County Directors' Association granting the District membership in the KCDA purchasing cooperative.

NJPA Cooperative Purchasing

Cooperative purchasing agreement with National Joint Powers Alliance.

OMNIA Partners Cooperative Agreement

​OMNIA Partners is a national cooperative purchasing program, providing government procurement resources and solutions to local and state government agencies, school districts (K-12), higher education institutions, and nonprofits looking for the best overall supplier government pricing.

Washington State Purchasing Cooperative Agreement

Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between the District and the Washington State, Department of General Administration, Office of State Procurement granting the District membership in the State Purchasing Cooperative.


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Soap Lake, Washington and Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington, allowing the City of Soap Lake's camera equipment to be installed, maintained, and removed from Grant PUD-owned street light and distribution poles.


Interlocal Agreement between Public Utlity District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington and the City of Grand Coulee to establish a payment station for the City to collect payments on behalf of the District.


Interlocal Agreement with Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, WA for operation and maintenance of Carlton Acclimation Facility.


Interlocal Cooperative Lease Agreement with Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, WA and Grant PUD to lease portions of Chelan PUD property to rear and acclimate summer Chinook.


Memorandum of Understanding between Grant PUD and the Grant County Sheriff's office, Yakima County Sheriff's office, Royal City Police Department and the Mattawa Police Department to define resonse planning, coordination and coperation with response to any threats or criminal acts against the Priest Rapids Project.


Provide annual funds in accordance with the Wildlife Management Plan to WA State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife for 1) re-vegetating burned areas; (2) re-vegetating areas known to burn frequently with species carrying...


Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, WA and Quincy School District #144 for use of the each other's fiber optic facilities.


Facilities use agreement between Grant PUD and Chelan PUD for an off-ladder adult fish trapping facility (OLAFT).


Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, WA and Energy Northwest, to provide technical support services.