This column by Malcolm Woolf, president and CEO of the National Hydropower Association, appeared Oct. 22, 2019 in The Hill, a Washington D.C.-based news website covering politics and government. The path to carbon free flows through hydropower BY MALCOLM WOOLF, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR The Hill 10/22/19
With the official completion of Grant PUD's fiber-optic network to customers in Sunland Estates, expansion work is now complete for two of the nine predetermined areas scheduled to get service this year. Construction continues to progress on the remaining seven areas slated to receive access in 2019. Grant PUD's Senior Manager of Wholesale Fiber, R...
Dam operations will be modified during investigation EPHRATA – Priest Rapids Dam operators extinguished a small fire in equipment called an exciter, which provides energy to start up one of the generating units, shortly after 1 a.m. today. The fire affected Unit No. 7 at Priest Rapids Dam. On Oct. 3, there was a similar fire in the exciter for Unit...
Grant PUD commissioners Oct. 8 unanimously agreed to oppose breaching the lower four Snake River dams. They cited the value of hydropower as a clean, renewable and necessary resource; the successful efforts of Columbia River dam operators to get fish safety past their projects; and the minimal importance of Columbia and Snake River salmon as ...
Grant PUD forecasters see reduced need for electric-rate increases, as a strong financial outlook for Grant PUD is expected to continue, commissioners heard Tuesday during the first two of three scheduled public hearings on the proposed $291 million 2020 budget. "We're in the best financial position we've been in for many, many years at the Distric...
Since innovation plays such an important part in Grant PUD's mission and values, we wanted to give you a peek into just a few projects our team has been working on.
Commissioners invite all customers to attend, ask questions and provide comment. Grant PUD Commissioners will hold three budget hearings before adopting the utility's 2020 budget later this year. The hearings provide customers with the opportunity to learn how Grant PUD proposes allocating and spending its money next year. The three hearings are al...
Commissioners got their first look Tuesday at a proposed $291 million budget for 2020 with staff recommendations to reduce debt by using surplus cash savings and limit an electric-rate-revenue increase to customers to one-tenth percent. Budget hearings for public comment are scheduled Oct. 8 in Ephrata and Moses Lake and Oct. 10 in Quincy (see sche...
New processes that allow Grant PUD to more accurately track its costs, together with improvements to forecasting methods, are expected to produce more accurate budgets and ease the rate burden on customers, commissioners learned Tuesday. Commissioners will get their first look at a detailed 2020 budget forecast at their Sept. 24 commission meeting,...
Grant PUD works hard to ensure salmon make it past our Priest Rapids and Wanapum dams and find the habitat they need on our part of their journey to the ocean and back again to spawn. We spend millions annually on research, safe passage, hatcheries, and predator control to boost fish populations and improve river habitat. Through these efforts, Gra...
View Budget Presentation You're invited to Grant PUD's Public Hearings on the 2020 budget. We welcome you to join us at one of the following locations: October 8, 2019 2:00 p.m. Ephrata Headquarters Commission Room 30 C Street SW, Ephrata, WA 98823 October 8, 20196:00 p.m.Grant PUD's Moses Lake Office Auditorium312 W 3rd Avenue, M...
Grant PUD is expected to end the year with a bottom line more than $18 million greater than originally budgeted, spurred by higher-than-forecast wholesale prices from the sale of surplus electricity and reduced capital costs, commissioners learned Tuesday. The latest forecast through June (second quarter 2019) predicts a bottom line of $76.1 millio...
By Christine Pratt, Grant PUD Public AffairsLAKE ROOSEVELT — Enjoy fishing for salmon? Then please help eradicate the invasive Northern Pike. The Grant, Chelan and Douglas PUDs are contributing to an effort by tribes and state agencies to control this voracious predator that, if not contained, could set back decades of salmon recovery efforts acros...
Grant County irrigators who draw their water from the federal Columbia Basin Project irrigation system will pay the same "wheeling" fee for one more year to transport over Grant PUD power lines the federal electricity they need to power their water pumps. Grant County PUD commissioners unanimously approved the extension of an existing agreement wit...
I would like to take the time to let you know that we had an awesome experience touring the Crescent Bar Recreation site on Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Our 9th grade Ephrata/Soap Lake High School Summer Program students were able to see the environmental impacts that occur while making land improvements. This opportunity assisted them in completing a p...
Grant PUD will be set up with games and giveaways galore!August 13-17, 2019Grant County Fairgrounds3953 Airway Dr NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837
TEMPERATURE If you have air conditioning, set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible. A recommended 78 degrees if you are home and warmer if you are away.Reduce your electric water heater to 120 degrees. FANS Use ceiling and other portable room fans to increase your cooling efficiency without having to lower your thermostat. Be sure to tur...
BEVERLY — Bryan Shultz's personal watercraft survived a white-water plunge earlier this month wilder than an adrenaline junkie's wildest nightmare. Good thing Shultz wasn't on it. The Puyallup-area visitor launched his 3-person Yamaha WaveRunner on the Columbia River at Frenchman Coulee, where he and his wife were camping. What started as a calm, g...
Grant County still has a very attractive combination of low-cost land and electricity, temperate climate and seismic stability that data center developers are looking for, commissioners heard Tuesday. But the state's lack of tax-break incentives make it hard for Washington to compete with tax incentives other states are offering to lure in these bi...
Award recognizes exceptional commitment to the people we serve EPHRATA — The collective efforts of Grant PUD and its employees to give back to the communities we serve were recognized June 11 with the American Public Power Association's (APPA) 2018 Community Service Award. The national award honors exceptional commitment on behalf of utilities and ...