Grant PUD and Washington State Broadband Office launch drive-in Wi-Fi hotspots
*Updated 7/10/2020
Over the past few weeks, Grant PUD has partnered with the Washington State Broadband Office to bring free public broadband internet access to several Grant County locations. This comes at a time when communities need internet the most for school, work and keeping in touch during the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week, nine drive-in Wi-Fi hot spots were deployed to address that effort.
This first wave of installs brought together multiple public and private partners at both the state and local level to address the internet need. Drive-in Wi-Fi hot spots are now located in the following areas:
ACH School District Brick House
312 E Main Street, Coulee City
Blue Heron Park
111 Westshore Dr, Moses Lake
Cascade Valley Park
W. Valley Road, Moses Lake
East Beach Park
301 Daisy St N, Soap Lake
Electric City Town Hall
10 Western Avenue, Electric City
Ephrata Recycling Center
A St SE, Ephrata (behind armory)
George Community Hall
403 W Montmorency Blvd, Quincy
Hartline Gym
Highway 2 & Chelan St., Hartline
Port of Mattawa Office
20140 Rd 24 SW Suite G, Mattawa
Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District
11522 1st Ave SE, Royal Camp
Quincy Middle School
16 6th Ave SE, Quincy
Warden Community Center
114 N Oak Street, Warden
Wilson Creek City Park
Railroad Street, Wilson Creek
The signals reach approximately 750 feet allowing for a "drive-in" experience. Locations were chosen in central areas that have adequate parking and/or a grassy space where people can take their technology and log on. There are no passwords needed to access the hotspots and each hotspot can be found by searching for the "homeworkhub" network.All hotspots are up and active.
For a complete list of free hotspots throughout Washington State please log on to The map will be updated as more hotspots become available.
Grant PUD y la oficina del estado de Washington lanzan hot spots de Wi-Fi por ventanilla (drive-in)
*Actualizado 7/10/2020
En las pasadas semanas, Grant PUD se ha aliado con la oficina del estado de Wahsington para llegar acceso a internet de banda ancha a diversas localidades del Condado de Grant. Esto llega en un momento en el que las comunidades necesitan internet para los estudios, trabajo y para mantenerse en contacto durante la pandemia de COVID-19. La semana pasada, nueve hot spots de Wi-Fi por ventanilla fueron desplegados para abordar ese esfuerzo.
Esta primera tanda de sitios aunó a múltiples aliados públicos y privados a escala estatal y local para abordar la necesidad de internet. Los hot spots de Wi-Fi por ventanilla se encuentran en las siguientes áreas:
ACH School District Brick House
312 E Main Street, Coulee City
Blue Heron Park
111 Westshore Dr, Moses Lake
Cascade Valley Park
W. Valley Road, Moses Lake
East Beach Park
301 Daisy St N, Soap Lake
Electric City Town Hall
10 Western Avenue, Electric City
Ephrata Recycling Center
A St SE, Ephrata (behind armory)
George Community Hall
403 W Montmorency Blvd, Quincy
Hartline Gym
Highway 2 & Chelan St., Hartline
Port of Mattawa Office
20140 Rd 24 SW Suite G, Mattawa
Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District
11522 1st Ave SE, Royal Camp
Quincy Middle School
16 6th Ave SE, Quincy
Warden Community Center
114 N Oak Street, Warden
Wilson Creek City Park
Railroad Street, Wilson Creek
Las señales alcanzan aproximadamente 750 pies, permitiendo una experiencia de "dive-in". Las localidades fueron elegidas en las áreas centrales con estacionamiento adecuado y/o espacios verdes a los que las personas pueden llevar su tecnología y conectarse. No hay contraseñas necesarias para acceder los hot spots y cada uno puede encontrarse buscando la red "homeworkhub". Todos los hot spots están instalados y activos.
Para obtener una lista completa de hot spots gratuitos en todo el estado de Washington, visite El mapa será actualizado a medida que hayan más hot spots disponibles.
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