Grant PUD Bill Payment Info
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EPHRATA- As Grant PUD works through this COVID-19 response phase, we want to assure customers that our team continues our daily activities of providing service and support to Grant PUD's customers. The power will keep flowing to the businesses and homes throughout the county and as customers' bills come due, we have provided multiple options to make paying your bill as simple as possible.
Although our local offices are closed, Grant PUD bills can be paid online, via one of our drop boxes or by mail. Learn more here Until further notice Grant PUD will not be accepting cash payments.
Please note Grant PUD will be waiving late payment fees until further notice for core customers. This includes residential, irrigation and Rate 2 and Rate 7 commercial customers.
We appreciate everyone's patience as we work through the COVID-19 response. Our personnel will still respond to outages and emergencies. Customers can call our outage number at 800.216.5226 for these issues any time. For all other requests for services, please contact us at
Nuestroequipo del Servicio al Clienteestá disponible para atenderle, aunquenuestrasoficinaspermanecencerradas al público para prevenir la propagación del COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Opciones de pago de facturas: Hasta nuevo aviso, favor de pagar sus facturas o por correo o en linea al o utilizando nuestros los buzones dedicados (drop box).Mayores detalles aquí. No se reciben pagos en efectivos hasta nuevo aviso.
No habrá recargo de tardía para ciertos clientes: Hasta nuevo aviso, el recargo para no pagarsufactura a tiempoestaráeliminado para los siguientesclientes: Residencial, bajo la Tarifa 2; Riego, bajo la Tarifa 3; y Comercial, bajo la Tarifa 7.
Le agradecemossupacienciaconformevamoslidiando con los retos del COVID-19. Nuestrosequipossiguenrespondiendo a las interrupciones del servicio y otrasemergencias. Para reportar una interrupción, llameal 800.216.5226. Para cualquierotranecesidad, favor de usar
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