
Ways to pay your bill without an office visit

Haga click para Español​ Online at grantpud.org  Sign up for an ePay account to pay your bills online via credit/debit card or automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account. Customers also have the option to make a one-time online payment. U.S. Postal Service Send your payment* by check or money order in the envelope provided...

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  7614 Hits

Grant PUD joins the region to support Snake River dams

A press conference was held to allow local stakeholders the chance to respond to the federal Environmental Impact Statement released on Friday. Agencies represented at Tuesday's event included Grant PUD, Benton PUD, Franklin PUD, Port of Pasco, Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, Benton Clean Air Agency and Benton Rural Electric Cooperative. "To...

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  6182 Hits

Grant PUD supports 'Math is Cool'

Young mathematicians test their knowledge   More than 350 competitors from 27 schools from Grant County and the rest of North Central Washington competed in this sort-of math Olympics Feb. 28 at Clovis Point Intermediate School in East Wenatchee. Grant PUD staffers, management — and a management spouse — take a leading role in making Math is C...

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  6195 Hits

Commission Recap 02-25-2020 Smaller rate increase forecast for evolving industries -- unless demand again spikes

Cryptocurrency mining operations in Grant County will get a far smaller rate increase April 1 than originally forecast, if commissioners approve the staff recommendation, announced Tuesday. Connection requests from this high-energy-use group has declined from 402 average megawatts of electricity to just under 90 average megawatts since the first of...

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  6967 Hits

Biologists' salmon research published in industry journal

Data sharing Why do salmon sometimes break with ancestral tradition and return from the ocean to spawn in a stream other than their "birth" stream? Are they rebels? Rugged individualists? Troublemakers? Two Grant PUD fisheries scientists, Todd Pearsons and Rod O'Conner, recently had an article on our experiences with "straying salmon" published in ...

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  6062 Hits

Grant PUD block of C Street to close Feb. 28 for crane work

EPHRATA — The portion of C Street SW, between Division Avenue and First Avenue SW will be closed the morning of Friday, Feb. 28 for crane work to remove an old piece of air-conditioning equipment from the roof of Grant PUD headquarters.That portion of C Street and the sidewalk along its east side by the headquarters building will close at 6 a.m. Pa...

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  6786 Hits

Commission recap 02-11-2020: Drones, new hardware, tree trimming and more to help system reliability

A wide range of efforts to minimize power interruptions and improve overall system reliability were highlighted during Tuesday's commission meeting. One new tool the utility is exploring are the use of drones. Crews would utilize drones to assist with patrolling power lines and inspecting substations. Power Delivery Engineer Will Coe, told commissi...

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  6906 Hits

Commission recap 1/28/2020: Fiber-optics on the rise

Lessons learned from 2019 to help future fiber expansion Although 2019 had its share of challenges with expanding Grant PUD's fiber-optic network, the accomplishments from the past year provided valuable insights while setting a very high bar for future expansion efforts. This was the message Grant PUD's Senior Manager of Wholesale Fiber, Russ Bret...

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  6843 Hits

Commission recap 01-14-2020: Priest Rapids embankment work expected to cost less

Managing Director of Power Production Ty Ehrman told commissioners Tuesday that the low bid to build a secondary embankment on the Yakima County side of Priest Rapids Dam came in at $33.4 million, almost $13 million less than the engineer's estimate. Staff is recommending the low bidder, IMCO Construction of Ferndale, WA., for the job. Work is expe...

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  7421 Hits

Rate Schedule 17 - Scheduled Review

Resolution 8891, which established Rate Schedule 17, requires at least a yearly review of the rate class to determine if certain customer uses or industries should move into or out of the rate class. Staff will share materials and info regarding the review during regularly scheduled commission meetings.  See table below for tentative sche...

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  7425 Hits

Grant PUD to reduce debt amid favorable market conditions

S&P Global, Moody's and Fitch uphold their high credit ratings EPHRATA — Three of the world's top bond-rating agencies have affirmed strong credit ratings for Grant PUD, as the utility readies to pay down debt for long-term savings that will help keep electric rates low. The high ratings enable Grant PUD to take fuller advantage of current mark...

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  14537 Hits

Public Hearings on possible routes for new 115-kilovolt transmission line

Three route alternatives considered for new 115-kilovolt transmission line in Royal City After evaluating numerous route segments, Grant PUD staff and engineering consultants have identified three potential construction routes for the new "Red Rock" 115-kilovolt transmission line near Royal City. The public will have a chance to view detailed maps ...

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  7411 Hits

Irrigation Workshop a hit with irrigators

Approximately 75 irrigation customers attended our first Irrigation Workshop at the Grant County Fairgrounds, Dec. 11, in what promises to become an annual or biennial (every two years) event. Grant PUD subject-matter experts talk about Grant PUD's 2020 budget — which includes no rate increase for the second consecutive year — our expectations for ...

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  6808 Hits

More power for Northern Moses Lake

This 100,000-pound, 115 kV, transformer arrived at the Randolph Road Substation Dec. 5 from its manufacturer, Virginia Transformer Corp. of Pocatello, Idaho. Grant PUD is in the process of expanding the substation from its current footprint of 29,830 sq. ft. to 40,035 sq. ft. Improvements include one new transformer line-up to the existing two line...

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  6943 Hits

Commission recap 12-10-2019: Survey shows customer satisfaction remains high

About eight of every 10 Grant PUD customers show high levels of satisfaction with the utility, according to the results of a recent telephone survey among customers throughout the county. Senior Manager of External Affairs, Andrew Munro, told commissioners that the results of the biennial survey showed an overall satisfaction score of 82%, down fro...

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  6943 Hits

Commission recap 11-26-2019: Grant PUD to launch $58 million electric system upgrade in 2020

The Grant PUD electric system from Royal City north to Quincy and Ephrata will become more resilient to power outages and gain capacity for new customers following a 2-year, approximately $58 million package of upgrades slated to begin construction in mid-2020. Total project cost will be refined in the coming months. Grant PUD project managers Davi...

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  7448 Hits

2020 budget approved: no rate increase, more fiber, stronger financial outlook

EPHRATA — Grant PUD commissioners Tuesday unanimously approved a $291 million budget for 2020 with no electric-rate increase for any customer group except the approximately 25 cryptocurrency mining operations classified as "evolving industries."A solid revenue outlook through 2024 and years of careful budgeting and planning have Grant PUD well-posi...

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  6874 Hits

We filled the bucket!

​Grant PUD employees and customers achieved the goal of having enough donated food to fill the extra-large two-man line truck bucket during the annual Fill-the-Bucket Food Drive last week. The drive, which is a joint effort between Grant PUD and the IBEW Local 77, collected food for local Grant County food banks at Grant PUD's local offices and wit...

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  6729 Hits

Fill the Bucket Food Drive

Fill-the-Bucket Food Drive 2019 happens Nov. 18 to 22 and includes a food-collection event at the Moses Lake Walmart Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Food donations will be collected in the local offices and HOB for area food banks. Non-perishable foods only, please. The food drive is a great way to interact with the community. Anyone who w...

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  6759 Hits

Commission Recap 11-12-19: No rate increase in 2020, except for evolving industry

Commissioners unanimously agreed Tuesday that no Grant PUD customer, except those classified as "evolving industry" under Rate 17, will receive an electric-rate increase in 2020. Commissioners Tom Flint, Judy Wilson and Nelson Cox were present for the vote. They said the absent commissioners, Dale Walker and Larry Schaapman, also agreed. "This is a...

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  6504 Hits